Prov 1 : 8~19 (12th of July,19)

A Father's exhortation : Acquire Victim
8. My child,*listen when your father corrects you. Don't neglect your mother's instruction.
9.What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck.
10.My child, if sinners entice you,turn your back on them!
11.They may say,"Come and join us. Let's hide and kill someone! Just for fun,let's ambush the innocent!
12.Let's swallow them alibe,like the grave;let's swallow them whole,like those who go down to the pit of death.
13.Think of the great things we'll get! We'll fill our horses with all the stuff we take.
14.Come,throw in your lot with us;we'll all share the loot."
15.My child, don't go along with them! Stay far away from their paths.
16.They rush to commit evil deeds. They hurry to commit murder.
17.If a bird sees a trap being set,it knows to stay away.
18.But these people set an ambush for themselves;they are trying to get themselves killed.
19.Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money;it robs them of life.
exhortation : 권고,훈계
crown A with B : A에게 B의 관을 씌우다
pit : 구덩이
throw in one's lot (운명/운) with ~ 와 운명을 같이 하다
be greedy for : ~ 을 탐하다.
- In the name of Jesus, Amen,


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